Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1
As children move from Reception they enter Key Stage 1 (KS1). This phase incorporates both Year 1 and Year 2. At Studley Infants School your child will either be in a Year 1 class, Year 2 class or a mixed Year 1 & 2 class.
In KS1 we follow the National Curriculum and its Programmes of Study for the different subject areas.
The core subjects are:
· English
· Mathematics
· Science
The foundation subjects are:
· Art and design
· Computing
· Design and technology (D.T)
· Languages
· Geography
· History
· Music
· Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)
· Physical education (P.E)
· Religious education (R.E)
As children move through the school, the amount of teacher led learning increases. Year 1 continue incorporating a play based approach into learning which adapts and changes to longer and more frequent whole class learning inputs and adult chosen learning activities as the year progresses and into Year 2.
Our KS1 curriculum works on a 2 year cycle, ensuring that all learning objectives and outcomes have been achieved by the end of your child's journey in KS1.
English and Maths are taught on a daily basis and take up more of the curriculum time than other subject areas. As part of our English teaching, children will have daily phonics teaching, regular handwriting lessons and guided reading sessions.
In Year 1 all children are required to complete a phonics screening check in June to assess their segmenting and blending skills in reading.
At the end of Year 2 children will be assessed against the end of KS1 framework and academic attainment will be reported in their end of year report.