Structure of the Day
Structure of a day in The Harbour
When children first join the Harbour, their day will be determined by their individual need, and a staggered start may be appropriate in some cases. The school day within the Harbour starts from 8.45am to 3:05pm. To aid the children coming into school in a calm and welcoming environment we have adopted a staggered flexible approach to meet the needs of our families and those children getting to school via Warwickshire School Travel. If you are bringing your child to school via car, please speak to our Headteacher Debbie Bateman to make arrangements of possible use of the school carpark for pick-up and drop-off. The children will be greeted by one of their trusted adults and welcomed into the classroom. The children will be shown a visual timetable of the day and have opportunities to share how they are feeling using the feelings room. Throughout the week all children in the Harbour will receive a bespoke curriculum to include a variety of activities targeted specifically at the needs of individuals and their EHCP targets.
A typical morning might include:
- A communal breakfast
- Adult led activities such as Phonics, Maths, Speech, English and group based activities
- Outdoor activities
- Structured ‘choosing’ activities
- Calming activities as part of our daily routine such as story time
Lunchtime will take place at 12.15-1.15pm.
A typical afternoon might include:
- Forest School /P.E
- Sharing/group activities
- Sensory play/arts/crafts/cooking
- Opportunities to work with peers from mainstream classroom
Each day is highly structured with the aim being that our Harbour children gain the skills needed to access a mainstream classroom over time.
Our Harbour day ends at 3.05pm. The children will be supported with gathering their belongings and ending the day with positive reflection time. Parents will arrive at the Harbour gate and will press the bell. The children will then be brought outside by a trusted adult to meet their parent/career or chaperone at the gate.
The children‘s EHCP funding covers full time provision for the duration of the school day which runs from 8:45am until 3:05pm.