School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
If you would like a paper copy of the information on our school website, please speak to our school office who will provide this free of charge.
- Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils.pdf
- Anti Bullying Policy 2024.pdf
- Attendance Policy September 2023.pdf
- Barring from School Premises Policy 2022.pdf
- Behaviour and Relationships Policy 2023.pdf
- Calculations - Progression in calculations .pdf
- Calculation Policy.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy 2024.pdf
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023.pdf
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy March 2024.pdf
- Complaints Policy 2022.pdf
- Complaints Procedure November 2022.pdf
- Data Protection Policy 23.pdf
- Guidance for dealing with the misuse of social media.pdf
- Homework Policy.pdf
- Intimate Care Policy 2023.pdf
- mobile phone policy 23.pdf
- physical contact and restraint policy 2024.pdf
- PSHE including RSE Policy.pdf
- pupil-premium-policy-2024.pdf
- School Uniform Policy.pdf
- SEND-policy-2023-24.pdf
- Separated Parents Policy.pdf
- SIS Online Safety Policy.pdf
- Studley Infants Equality Objective review 22-23.pdf
- Supporting-Pupils-with-Medical-Conditions.pdf
- Suspension and permanent exclusion 2024.pdf