P.E at Studley Infants
Curriculum Map
P.E Curriculum Intent
At Studley Infants School we aim give children the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact on their own physical health and well-being. We want all children to experience a wide variety of sports and physical skills, which will enhance life-long fitness and life choices. PE can challenge and promote self-esteem through the development of physical confidence and problem solving. Within dance it will allow children to explore their personal and spiritual identity.
P.E Implementation
We have a comprehensive skill based Physical Education curriculum that gives the children opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge throughout their journey at Studley Infants’ School.
We work with local sports clubs such as Studley Tennis Club and Studley All Stars Cricket Club, who deliver high quality curriculum sessions during the year.
Physical Education will be implemented in the curriculum in a variety of ways:
• 2 hours of PE will be taught weekly once the children begin KS1.
• Provide a range of extracurricular clubs to raise engagement such as multi-skills and dance.
• Provide a wide range of opportunities for children to get active in class and on the playground with the use of the trim trail, on site forest school and the loose part play equipment.
• Additional sessions focusing on active learning are woven through lessons such as Just Dance, Go Noodle, Cosmic Yoga and movement breaks to help re-energize our pupils.
• Provide opportunities to compete in sports days, and in both class based and intra-class competitions.
• Through the use of the Opal project, lunchtimes provide pupils with a variety of active play opportunities. They will opportunity to explore taking risks, cooperation, independence and problem solving.
P.E Impact