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Studley Infants' School

Suppose, Imagine, Succeed

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P.E and Outdoor Learning

P.E is on Tuesdays and Thursdays this half term. 

(Spring 1)


Weeks beginningTuesdayThursday
6.1.25 - 14.2.25P.EP.E





P.E will take place outdoors whenever possible.


For PE, the children are required to come to school wearing their P.E kits.
This consists of:


· A plain top (with no logos other than the school logo or designs on the front).

· Plain shorts or jogging bottoms

· Comfortable trainers. (velcro unless the child is confident tying laces)


Please make sure your child's name is labelled clearly in all of their clothes. 


Outdoor Learning


Outdoor learning will take place in all safe weathers. 


When accessing our outdoor learning space, the children are required to come to school wearing appropriate outdoor clothing.

This consists of:


- A plain top with accompanying jumper/jacket OR a long sleeve t-shirt. (This is to prevent any scrapes/stings).


- A pair of jogging bottoms/leggings. (If it is a hot day and your child is wearing shorts, please send a pair of trousers to school with them in a bag).


A pair of named wellies need to be kept at school throughout the year for your child to change into when required.