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Studley Infants' School

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Science at Studley Infants'



Our science curriculum is designed to promote enjoyment and creativity through practical investigations, exploration and discussion of scientific concepts. The children will have the opportunity to demonstrate perseverance when developing scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology such as animals including humans, Chemistry working and classifying materials and Physics with seasonal changes. Our curriculum aims to nurture an enthusiastic curiosity to help develop children’s understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of scientific enquiry that help them to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them. The children will be working collaboratively with others to ensure they are equipped with the scientific knowledge and vocabulary required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future of the world we live in. At Studley infants’ we use a variety of hooks and practical activities inside the classroom and out in our outdoor areas to enhance our Science curriculum whilst inspiring future scientists.     



The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. Linked knowledge organisers enable children to learn and retain the important, useful and powerful vocabulary and knowledge contained within each unit. The progression of skills for working scientifically are developed through the year groups and scientific enquiry skills are of key importance within lessons.

At Studley Infants, teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science. Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of science involves the following;

• Science will be taught in planned, and arranged, topic blocks by the class teacher. Our strategy is to enable all children to be catered for through adapted planning suited to their abilities

• We plan for problem solving and real life opportunities that enable children to find out for themselves. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions and be given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to discover the answers. This curiosity is celebrated within the classroom. Planning involves teachers creating practical, engaging lessons with opportunities for precise questioning in class to test conceptual knowledge and skills, and assess children regularly to identify those children with gaps in learning.

• We follow the Hamilton Brooks scheme of work to allow for a curriculum programme that allows children to build on previous knowledge.

• ‘Working Scientifically’ skills are embedded into lessons to ensure these skills are being developed throughout the children’s school career, and new vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced through direct teaching. This is developed through the years, in keeping with the topics.

• Teachers demonstrate how to use scientific equipment, and the various Working Scientifically skills in order to embed scientific understanding. Teachers find opportunities to develop children’s understanding of their surroundings by accessing outdoor learning and workshops with experts.

• Through enrichment days, such as ‘Space Cadet Day’, we promote the profile of Science and allow time for the children to freely explore scientific topics.




Outcomes in books, theme folders and on Seesaw, evidence a broad and balanced Science curriculum. It demonstrates children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge relating to each of the identified strands, as appropriate to key stage; animals including humans, seasonal changes, everyday materials, plants and living things and their habitats. 


The successful approach to the teaching of science at Studley Infants results in a fun, engaging, high quality science education, that provides children with the foundations for understanding the world that they can take with them once they complete their primary education. So much of science lends itself to outdoor learning, and so we provide children with opportunities to experience this. Pupil voice is used to further develop the Science curriculum, through questioning of pupils’ views and attitudes towards Science, to assess the children’s enjoyment of science, and to motivate learners.