Supersonic Phonic Friends
Supersonic Phonic Friends Sounds
- The-Basics-2-Spelling-Alliteration-and-Rhymes-Non-Cursive-QA.pdf
- The-Basics-3-Spelling-Alliteration-and-Rhymes-Non-Cursive-QA.pdf
- New-Basics-3-spelling-mat-new-logs-A4-NC.pdf
- tricky-word-mat-non-cursive-1.pdf
- The-Basics-2-Parent-Newsletters-non-cursive (4).pdf
- Parent-Newsletters-The-Basics-3-nc (2).pdf
- The-Basics-4-Parent-Newsletters-Non-Cursive (2).pdf
Parent and carers guide to pronouncing phonemes A video link on how basic 2 and basic 3 sounds are pronounced
Parents and children's guide to blending and segmenting sounds A video link on how we begin teaching children to blend sounds to read words and segment sounds to spell words