P.E and Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning Sessions to be confirmed.
We will inform you via ParentMail/Seesaw before the sessions begin.
Appropriate clothes for Outdoor Learning:
- Wellies
- Warm waterproof coat
- Hat, scarf and mittens please – easier than gloves, depending on the weather
- Warm jumper
- Long-sleeved top
- Full length tracksuit bottoms, leggings or trousers
Please make sure these clothes are not precious - the children are likely to get muddy!
PE Sessions to be confirmed.
We will inform you via ParentMail/Seesaw before the sessions begin.
Appropriate clothing for PE (NO logos please)
- Plain joggers/ leggins
- Plain shorts (depending on weather)
- Plain t-shirt
- Plain jumper/ school jumper
- Cap for warmer weather