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Studley Infants' School

Suppose, Imagine, Succeed

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Books Needed!

We are working collaboratively with Stratford Butterfly Farm on a Project involving schools in Kenya.

Kipepeo (Swahili for butterfly) is a community based enterprise that supports the livelihoods of people living around Arabuko Sokoke forest in coastal Kenya, East Africa.

The local children are able to attend school because of the income generated by their families breeding butterflies for the international trade. However, they still lack many resources and one such important resource missing is good reading material.

We need your help to donate as many books as possible, both fiction and non-fiction, so we can enrich the children’s lives in an area that does so much for our global ecosystem. If you have 1 or 2 books at home that you no longer read, please can you send them into school by Friday 1 December.

In return, all children will take part in a special talk and handling session at school in the New Year, delivered by specialists from the Butterfly Farm.